Axolotl Of Bonds In General
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Axolotl Of Bonds In General Hospital
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Please contact the modteam for further clarification. The following is absurdly long because it needs to be. Has given some attention to pieces of this story, but there never has been a comprehensive overview of the subject here, so I thought I would make an attempt.Although I'm including links to several different sources, including from “mainstream” as well as alternative media, the majority of the analysis I'm presenting here comes from the research of, a writer on topics like alternative archaeology, physics, technology, history, and other “strange stuff”.
I've also made for some of his videos and blogs, many of which I will be quoting from in the following analysis.To being with, here's a brief overview of three essential methodological assumptions of any counterfeiting scheme:.One does not counterfeit something that does not currently exist as a medium of exchange, or that is not convertible into it. One only counterfeits, or mimics, something real.Similarly, one does not counterfeit 500, 1,000 or 10,000 dollar bills. One only counterfeits what one can reasonably expect to tender to a target group, and thus must tailor its counterfeit function to the target's scale of affluence, and do so without raising suspicion.One must produce a product of sufficient quality to pass the scrutiny of the target group. One does not go to the expense and effort of producing a fraudulent product that cannot be used because it does not exist, is too large a denomination to be traded with the target group, or is too poor in quality to be traded. Quality must be sufficiently high to ensure first sight acceptance of its authenticity.Things change a bit when the target group is very wealthy, as securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) become the preferred method.
Also, a wealthy target group is likely to be privy to the existence of instruments most don't know exist, and can call upon private intelligence resources to verify information.But the point remains, one does not counterfeit what does not exist. And an addendum: One does not counterfeit something that the very wealthy do not suspect exists, or know to exist.Before delving into the various bearer bonds scandals, it's important to mentioned a very relevant historical antecedent to these recent events, namely an extraordinary undertaking carried out by Nazi Germany.was the largest counterfeiting operation in history.
Its goal was to replicate the paper of English notes, copy the printing plates to reproduce the tiniest detail, and employ mathematicians to work out the Bank of England's numbering system.Nazi Germany was trying to erect a hidden system of finance aimed at wrecking the British war economy.they were at war with the British financial elite. It's important to note the connection between financial fraud and intelligence bureaucracies. The SS had essentially created a counterfeiting bureaucracy.All in all, and these are generally considered to be the most conservative numbers, Operation Bernhard produced a total of 7 million facsimile British pound notes during the war, totally a staggering 135 million pounds.
Other estimates range well over 300 million pounds.Here are some important points about the implications of Operation Bernhard that are relevant to the rest of the discussion:.State-sponsored counterfeiting of undetectable facsimile banknotes had been successfully undertaken on an industrial scale, becoming a significant part of the money supply and were only removed with great difficulty.Although conceived as economic warfare, it morphed into a virtually inexhaustible means of financing covert activities. Industrial scale counterfeiting became the link between covert operations and research projects.Access to this type of funding could allow any intelligence bureaucracy and/or secret research entity to become independent of its controlling state and its financial institutions, whether public or private.In the distribution of the facsimiles, it's necessary to have “neutral points of entry” into the circulation scheme. In the case of Operation Bernhard, Switzerland and the Vatican were used (remember those two places).According to the research of Farrell, and many others, industrial scale counterfeiting survived WWII to become the favored method of the independent financing of covert research and operations of what has become often referred to as a “breakaway civilization”.
The Kennedy bonds offer some more food for thought, as Farrell continues:I submit that there is a message being sent by this bond, and it is a message that works regardless if one views this strange securities instrument as legitimate or faked, for note the reverse of the bond: we have a clear image of the Moon, a clear image of the space shuttle lifting off.Consider then the imagery and the message being sent here. A red seal of the US treasury only appears on American currency notes, United States Notes, issued directly and debt-free by the US Government. Kennedy was the last president to order the issuance of such money.There is another message being sent in the bearer bonds has something to do with space. Why would a bond-smuggling operation, whether or not the bonds were real or counterfeit, be smuggling such instruments?We may be looking at a part of the funding mechanism for a vast covert space program, with the “collateral” clearly imaged on the reverse of the bond header itself: space, and whatever might be found out there.
Hence, the use of a red seal, connoting a debt-free money, might be significant.We might be looking at a hidden funding mechanism for Mr. Mystery of the Filipino Bearer Bonds:Here are some important details about this story: the bonds were dated 1934; the notes were signed by Henry Morgenthau; the bonds were found in chests and stamped with the seal of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank; the bonds were purportedly redeemable in gold bullion; the bonds were denominated in $100,000,000 amounts; the bonds totaled some $300 billion.Farrell elaborates on the curious nature of this case:Of course, the official position is that these instruments are fakes. But it's interesting that the officials involved in the attempts to authenticate these instruments have pointed that someone is going to great lengths to counterfeit not only the bonds but the Federal Reserve Branch Bank strongboxes that they are “discovered” in: “For a collector, these counterfeit bonds are awesome because somebody spent a lot of time trying to justify their authenticity.
No, the bonds are real. They were issued as collateral in place of gold that was looted during the last century of war.The big euro and American bankers and elites now hold the good and when the bond holders came to collect there were hung out to dry and told the bonds were fake. Which technically speaking they were, for the huge bonds were never issued with any intent on ever being honored.But in actuality they are real government issued bonds that were issued in exchange for gold.Now the other side of the elites are entrenched in a power and financial struggle if epic proportions and the fate of the entire global economy hangs in the balance.Some of these bond holders are Pissed and want in on the resource grab game and I think they are calling the bluff of the other side of the elite club. They are laying there cards down to the western elites saying 'of I go out, we all go out'.They want in and are threshing to expose the game if not.Seems like there's are 2 factions of global elite now in a power struggle. I have actually read that article, and it reads like a completely different story than what you posted.
First of all, the only number of german deaths mentioned in the article is 100-300, not 'thousands'. It also mentions that these incidents happened AFTER the German locals attacked retreating polish forces, making them combatants, not 'civilians'. The article also identifies the perpetrators as Polish soldiers, not 'Bolshevik Jews'.
I feel like this shifting of the blame is why you have been labeled an 'Anti-semite'. Please provide sources for your claims.
A ) Axolotl is the project of Karl Bauer, active between 2002 and 2009. Based in Brooklyn and San Francisco, the band has included William Sabiston on percussion, as well as Brian Tester on guitar, while often collaborating with other artists such as Yellow Swans, Mouthus, Skaters, Weyes Blood, and Black Dice. Karl uses violin, vocal, and other instrumental music often by using electronic processing.
Axolotl’s Abrasive (1981) Ettiene's Brunet project with Jacques Last 7 days.Last 7 days.Last 30 days.Last 90 days.Last 365 days.All time.