Cara Repair Windows 10

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While working, playing a video game or doing watching a favorite movie system suddenly crashes With a Blue Screen Error. Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” error message? Windows 10 running slow, not responding or laptop freezes after windows 10 1809 upgrade? All these are symptoms of Windows System file corruption, may system files become corrupt, gone missing, or even have been changed by a software installation. And running build in system file checker utility helps to repair missing or corrupted system files windows 10, 8.1 and 7.

Post Contents:-.How to repair corrupted files windows 10There are several reasons, such as third-party software install / Uninstallation, System files missing damaged while windows 10 upgrade, Virus or malware infection etc that results from windows system file corruption. In Windows 10, there are several built-in commands you can use to repair corrupt system files that tend to cause issues over time as you change Windows system filesSystem file checker Utility, Sfc /scannow is a command line utility that allows users to scan for missing and corrupted system files and repair them.DISM commands are less common. However, if the SFC command fails to run properly or can’t replace a corrupted file with the correct one, the DISM command can fix the underlying Windows system to assist the SFC to run correctly.


Cara Memperbaiki Windows 10

How to run system file checker windows 10The System File Checker or sfc.exe utility in Microsoft Windows located in C: WindowsSystem32 folder allows users to scan for and restore corrupt Windows system files. In other words, The System File Checker tool scans your computer for any corruption. Or changes to system files that would otherwise interfere with the normal operation of your PC. From there, it replaces the file with the correct version to ensure smooth functioning.