Crack Trimble Survey Controller
TWOZAN Surveys is a specialized professional mapping and land surveying company. The Company was founded in 2004 with the main headquarter located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. We are licensed by the Saudi Council of Engineers (License no. 0/114) in our field of specialty. TWOZAN Surveys is also an ISO certified company (ISO-9001 and 14001) and member of Jeddah and Yanbu Chambers of Commerce.Since its establishment, TWOZAN Surveys have steadily grown in size, level of experience, and reached the level to provide its clients with diverse professional and reliable services across Saudi Arabia and Gulf States. TWOZAN Surveys currently employs more than sixty employees applying state of the art surveying technology on a wide spectrum of projects and applications. We execute our projects according to the highest and most recognized world standards in all aspects of projects to deliver high quality, reliable and tailored geospatial solutions to our valued clients.Our dynamic management approach and organization provides us with the opportunity to give special attention to each project we undertake.
We manage our projects in accordance to the latest professional project management standards to ensure every project is completed successfully within its planned resources and constraints. The quality of our end products and services, and the total satisfaction of our clients are never compromised with any other gains. Twozan Land Surveys Profile.1.1.2Our services are focused on the acquisition,analysis and presentation of position and positionrelated information for earth surface and sub-surface features both on-shore and off-shore.Our mission is to assist our clients make best-informed decisions about the planning,engineering, construction, and maintenanceof their projects, assets, and resources.
Trimble Survey Controller Crack
Weachieve this by providing them with the bestsurveying engineering professionals operatingstate-of-the-art technologies; deliveringreliable, accurate, and up-to-date geospatialinformation. We conduct our business up tothe highest ethical and professional standardswhich are held paramount to any otherbusiness gains or profits.We are licensed and prequalified by manySaudi national professional organizations suchas the Saudi Council of Engineers, Ministry ofRural and Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Tradeand Industry, Municipalities, Saudi Aramco,SABIC, Saudi Electric Company, NationalWater Company; and many others. TwozanSurveys is also certified by the InternationalStandards Organization ISO in the operating aManagement System in compliance with ISOstandards in quality and occupational healthand safety.Our dynamic management approach providesus with the ability to give special attention toeach commitment we undertake.