D&d Hellfire Engine
Welcome to D-STAR Info!This site is dedicated to helping D-STAR users world wide. From basic information on what D-STAR is to detailed technical information, This site can hopefully solve any of your cravings!Experimenting on D-STARThere's a lot of opportunity for experimentation with D-STAR. We want to encourage people to expand and create new things in Amateur Radio.BUT, we please ask that you do not do any experimentation or linking to the busy reflectors, especially REF001 and REF030. There have been numerous instances of people intentionally and unintentionally setting up hotspots that cause these reflectors to be linked to other reflectors. This practice is NOT DESIRED for the busy reflectors.
Hellfire Engine 5e
This practice has also caused a number of loops that have made the reflectors to be unavailable to all.Reflector 30Reflector 30 has been moved to Amazon Web Service and is providing great reliability. Georgia D-STAR sponsors REF030 and we're accepting donations to help keep it on the air. If you'd like to support REF030 and the other activities that Georgia D-STAR provides, hit the Donate Now button and help us out.Your help will be appreciated.