Star Wars Empire At War Unlimited Money

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Star Wars Empire At War Unlimited Money
  1. Star Wars Empire At War Trainer
  2. Star Wars Empire At War Wiki

Includes 2 files. Space battle size changed to 50 or 100 (based on file). Land Battle units increased Following Planets Modded that add tons of money, added population caps, and have 8 build spaces, level 5 bases: Anaxes, Coruscant, Thyferra, Abregada Rae, Fondor. Instant Build: All Space and ground unit build times sped up, all build times for structures sped up.Many units health/shields/weapon accuracy/movement speed boosted/increased. Unique units (Bobba Fet, etc.)and abilities beefed up- abilites recharge much faster. Hero units (Darth Vader, etc.)beefed up with better health, increased movement speed, fast ability recharge times. Bombing runs on planets recharge rate sped up.

Raider Once it ends, run forward and through the branches to get into the next combat area.

Most modifications should also work in skirmish mode. Instructions included with each file. Includes 2 files.

Star Wars Empire At War Trainer

Star Wars Empire At War Unlimited Money

Star Wars Empire At War Wiki


Space battle size changed to 50 or 100 (based on file). Land Battle units increased Following Planets Modded that add tons of money, added population caps, and have 8 build spaces, level 5 bases: Alderaan, Yavin, Wayland, Yavin, Mon Calamari. Instant Build: All Space and ground unit build times sped up, all build times for structures sped up.Many units health/shields/weapon accuracy/movement speed boosted/increased. Unique units (Millenium Falcon, Sundered Heart etc.)and abilities beefed up- abilites recharge much faster. Hero units (Han Solo, R2D2, etc.)beefed up with better health, increased movement speed, fast ability recharge times. Bombing runs on planets recharge rate sped up.

Most modifications should also work in skirmish mode. Instructions included with each file.