Tale Of Kingdoms Mod Pack

Posted on  by admin

Thank you coltend and kyle2355 for the tier 3 layout! You guys are awesome!I am getting delayed with all the school work:sad.gif:If you made a skin that I used, please comment here so I could credit you.

I have a massive amount of pms that I can't read them allI can't guarantee the mod works for everyone! I read all reports concerning the bugs and I have fixed some of them.PREVIEW:They have come from the nether and they are destructive. They are hard to kill. They use illusions, and maybe leave flames in their path.

They have attacked your kingdom and burned your lands. The darkness is coming.Thank you etalyx for saying yes to my video request even if you don't really want to hahaha! Keep your KingdomModSave.dat file!

Tale Of Kingdoms Mod Pack

It is your save file and your progress through the mod.-DOWNLOADRequires Latest ModLoader, if you don't know what modloader is please click this -Installation!- it is simple, put the zip file in the mod's folder in the.minecraft folder. Don't extract it to the bin nor extract it in the mod folder!MCver 1.8.1 put in mods folder.requires modloader.- The Tale of Kingdoms Ver 1.0.5- NOTE! The new version doesn't use the spawnpoint anymore, so all the progress will reset. I am sorry but this will prevent further missing people for the next updates. If you don't encounter problems with the mod now, it is best not to update!Changelog- Ver 1.0.5, Bugfixes. Builder is now frozen in the kingdom. The game saves every 10 mins.


Flower price fix. Reduced price of hunter. Increased price of every item.- Ver 1.0.3, Guild Members now auto kill creepers when they are bounded by its proximity. Guild members now jump but not as often as regular mobs.FAQ-The villagers are gone when I explored! How could I get them back!just re-login and everyone should be back.-But I re-login in already and they are still not there.You somehow moved your spawnpoint using MC edit.

Sleeping doesn't affect the spawnpoint. Also, you may have deleted your save file.-I used the fix option! Now my stuff in the chests are gone!You shouldn't put your stuff in other's chest anyways! But yeah, it replaces the chests as well when you fix the building-How far away from the guild do I need to be to build a town?200 blocks. If you are going diagonal, things will really look far, go perpendicular with the sun or the moon:smile.gif:-Does this work on SMP?Nope, sorry.-I got this error! Java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid this class index 537 in constant pool in class file WorldGenCreateGuildYou failed to read instruction in installing. Don't extract it in the bin.please please please read the instructions, you don't extract it in the bin!Also, I can't fix your problems if you don't give me an error report.

Saying it doesn't work, my game crashed, its laggy as hell, etc won't make me help you because I have no basis what so ever on what is causing this.In short: 'Error Log or it didn't happen'Here is something as well that might help you if you do encounter errors. Quote fromWell than you've got to start listing items and learning game statistics. Lets say you want an illegal shop owner found in a trap door in the marketplace to sell Mossy Cobble. First, find out the average amount of Dungeons somebody will find in their world. Than, take the floor size of a dungeon, and the number of Dungeons someone will averagely find. Lets say the floor had up to 8 blocks of Mossy Cobble per Dungeon, and 3 Dungeons are the average found per world.

Now we want to add a 0 to 24 to make the price realistic seeing as it's impossible to get a 64 Stack with these statistics. 240 GP Per Mossy Cobble. See what I did there?(I'm sorry if I sound like i'm treating you like a 5 Year old, i'm just trying to drive my point.)Yeah it makes sense, but what about dirt? It is found everywhere:dry.gif:Possibly, you could only sell some items at a stack of 64 perhaps? Quote fromWhy in the world would it need to sell Dirt?

Or Cobblestone? Clean stone would have a fairly high ratio, seeing as you cannot just naturally collect it. Although about 80% of the Minecraft world is made of Smooth Stone, it is broken in to simple Cobblestone.

Meaning the price of cobblestone would be almost zero, and consider the price of coal, lets say one peice of coal is 40 Gold. I can smelt 8 Smooth Stone with one coal. 5, but to be more relevant, you're going to add a 2 to the front of the 5. Why did I pick 2?

80% Was my estimate upon the percentage of land that was smooth stone. The outlying 20 Percent isn't clean stone.Hahaha! You know your stuff! I will hit you with a pm so we could discuss it there. I need guys like you.