Gears Of War Sires
Just beat it a few minuets ago and two questions I still have un-answered:-What was on that data disk that Baird got from Adam Fenix after you rescue him?-and I cant remember if it was mentioned in one of the books or comics or in the past two games but why was the Locust Queen a human? Is that just what the queens of their species happen to look like? The most annoying aspect of the game was that it didn't explain what the hell the sires were all about. Were the locust originally human? If so, why did they create the locust? What was the point in introducing this aspect of the story if it is never fully explained?
The queen needed to be explained further. She clearly isn't locust, otherwise she would have died from the activation of the device in Azura, so is she human?
Something in between? So many unanswered questions that would make the story slightly more original and interesting.
Instead I felt like I was playing halo 3 - destroy the parasite and your enemies by activating some flashy device. Please god don't let mass effect 3 require me to activate some flashy device that will permanantely deactivate the reapers. Absolutely amazing game. The final fight against Myrrah was very, very fun - can't wait to tackle it on Insane.I think the DLC campaign content will involve Griffin (there's definitely some unfinished business there) and the information from the datadisk that Baird now has.
I was definitely thinking that Myrrah would end up being Marcus' mum, but it was a little too predictable I guess. Will be interesting to find out how the Locust came about (or if they've always just been there as an 'ancient' race.), why Myrrah is, or has the appearance of a Human and wether the Locust are truly wiped out for good. I was talking to a friend about this and he mentioned the rumored Gears of War Exile game that supposedly Epic has been talking about and may possibly be a prequel to the series probably taking place during the Pendulum War before E-Day. If the game ever is able to manifest I am going to go on the theory that during the war the Sires were created by one of the sides during the war to act as genetically enhanced super soldiers but never ended up being used. Myrrah I am assuming had something to do with this along with Adam Fenix, possibly Myrrah being a scientist working on the project or possibly one of the test subjects for it. So the Sire's were never used in the war and possibly their creators decided to exterminate their creations. If Myrrah was one of their creators she probably felt they were her children and lead them away underground and they became the Locusts, or if she was one of the test subjects she rebelled and lead them underground.
Supposedly according to Epic Myrrah has no family relation to Marcus but I am still gonna say she is his mother or sister.So anyway that's my shot in the dark completely out there guess of the story.On another note I wonder if Epic really has the story planned out and if they didn't actually just forget parts to it and story paths they wanted to take for it. They throw all these strange curve balls like the Sires and then later in the same game I am pretty sure I remember someone saying how it looks like the Locusts had been underground for a long time. Was really hoping they would actually explain it at the end of the game when all they talk about is the Lambent which everyone pretty much already knew all about in the second game. I loved the campaign.
Gears Of War Sires Movie
Played it on hardcore co-op online. The end when you fight the queen was pretty hard.
I think we had someone dieing between 15-20 times (maybe even more) before we made it (with 4 random players). But it made the end extra epic. (GoW campaigns are so much better than CoD campaigns, although I liked the CoD4 campaign).The cutscene where dom died was really awesome, so were the others. The story was really good.I also played a lot of horde and I love it. The leveling system, the bosses, fortifications, bonus waves and the new weapons. I haven't played versus yet though because I never was very much into that, I never really tried.I don't know if it's worth € 50 if you only want to play the campaign for the story and nothing else.
If you do then at least play it on hardcore and not normal because normal is just way too easy (I started on normal and I could just stand between 5 enemies without dieing.) and you will be through it before you know it.Too bad the series ended, or did it? I would definately buy Gears of War 4 if they made it.Oh yeah, loved Carmine at the end.- Post added 2011-09-27 at 02:11 PM -The queen could still be Marcus's sister or mother. When they think they killed her and tell Marcus's father he sounds a little upset and Marcus says if he feels mercy for her after all she did or whatever. I knew Dom was going to die, the moment the subchapter 'Brothers to the end' popped up so I prepared for it, i still shed a manly tear.Someone spoiled Marcus's dad, but i didnt really care that much.I had actually thought Carmine had died earlier. When you have to go rescue Anya and Sam just before the Lambent Beserker fight. You see a masked COG get his arm ripped off, i assumed it was Carmine.Glad he did survive.Overall the game is really well done, very few complaints. Go back and play Gears 1 now.
You appreciate the changes even more. The most annoying aspect of the game was that it didn't explain what the hell the sires were all about. Were the locust originally human? If so, why did they create the locust? What was the point in introducing this aspect of the story if it is never fully explained? The queen needed to be explained further.
She clearly isn't locust, otherwise she would have died from the activation of the device in Azura, so is she human? Something in between?yeah i felt the same way.
Starter orders full crack free download torrents. I remember in gears 2 they had a whole level about the Sires and then this Niles guy that kept talking to you in the factory. Then when you beat the level he says something like 'Did they deserve what we did to them' and then i dont remember the whole speech but then he's like 'In the end will we listen' and kept saying it over and over as if Epic wanted you to remember the speech for when gears 3 comes out.
Also for the fact that the Sires were in those tubes like if they were experiments of some sort and if you notice when your fighting them they have these cables on their backs so they had to be some sort of experiment. What I kept thinking was that when Niles said 'Did they deserve what we did to them', i thought that they had a bunch of people like maybe criminals or something and they experimented on them and made them into Sires. Also i thought they would explain how the Locusts came to be on Sera, did they always live there and the humans were the ones to invade? Or were they created? Linking to the Sires creation. There's a lot of different Locust types too like Brumak, Kantus, the Boomers, Wretches, and Tickers, so they must've been the original life forms of Sera before the humans.
They also had the Locusts capturing prisoners and and locking them in those chambers and the beast barges. I thought that maybe they were somehow turning the prisoners into Locusts, if not that then my other theory was that they wanted to dig something up or mine something since you seen some of the prisoners digging. Then like you said they didn't really explain the queen. She was obviously in more of a human form than the Locusts so there's another part of the story missing.
She seemed to know Adam Fenix pretty well so it gets me thinking that maybe they used to work together? One way or another they must've been doing something together(lol just noticed how dirty that sounded) unless I forgot something.
Then there's the disc that Adam gives to Baird. Lastly i still remember the speech the queen gave in gears 1 about how the humans don't understand why they cannot stop fighting and all that, why do they want to kill the humans so badly, to just take over Sera or because the imulsion, unless i forgot something again i still dont really know for sure what started the war between Locusts and humans.
For all these missing parts of the story I have a feeling they did all of this on purpose because there is no way a game company as big as Epic would just leave out all these major parts of the story especially the Sires. I have a strong feeling that whenever they do explain this it'll probably be on book knowing game companies these days instead of making an actual game on it but whatever. I might be thinking too much on it but i just feel they left out a lot but like i said i think they planned to do it like this.