Windows 10 Turn Off Skype Notifications
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The lock screen is the screen you see when you (or when it locks automatically after you haven't been using it for a while). The lock screen will also show at startup, and when you are signed out and idle for at least one minute.You will need to dismiss the lock screen to be able to see the sign-in screen and sign in to Windows.
Users can dismiss the lock screen using touch, the keyboard, or by dragging it up with the mouse.Your account's lock screen will show notifications from apps and other senders by default.This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off showing notifications on the lock screen for your account in Windows 10.
Notifications on Windows 10 keep you from missing important alerts, but it can be annoying having them pop up at the wrong time. Like when you're giving a presentation at work or school.Fortunately, if you get a lot of emails and social media notifications, which keep interrupting in the middle of a presentation, Windows 10 includes a feature to disable notifications, without the need to turn off the feature entirely.In this, we'll walk you through the steps to prevent notifications from appearing while you're giving a presentation. How to disable notifications while presenting onto a second screenIf Windows 10 keeps interrupting with notifications while doing a presentation on a second screen, but you don't want to turn off the feature completely, then do the following:. Open Settings. Click on System. Click on Notifications & actions.Under Notifications, turn on the Hide notifications when I'm duplicating my screen option.Once you completed the steps, every time you are giving a presentation and you're connected to a projector or secondary monitor, Windows 10 will not show notifications.
Turn Off Skype Autostart Windows 10
This option will only work as long as you connect using the 'Duplicate' option when projecting (Windows key + P). If you're extending or using only the secondary display, the notifications will continue to flow. How to disable notifications while presenting onto a single screenIf you're giving a small presentation and you're not not using the second screen, then the above steps won't work.